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How to bind to polymorphic event listeners in ReScript?

Fri Feb 25 2022

ReScript version: rescript@9.1.4

Service worker binding example.

module InstallEvent = {
  type t
  @send external waitUntil: (t, Promise.t<unit>) => unit = "waitUntil"

module ActivateEvent = {
  type t
  @send external waitUntil: (t, Promise.t<unit>) => unit = "waitUntil"

module FetchEvent = {
  type t
  @send external respondWith: (t, 'a) => unit = "respondWith"

module Self = {
  type t

  @val external instance: t = "self"

  // Keep unsafe addEventListener private, and consumers
  // may only use the safe event listener functions.
    external addEventListener: (t, [#install | #activate | #fetch], 'a => unit) => unit =

  let addInstallEventListener: (t, InstallEvent.t => unit) => unit = (self, cb) =>
    addEventListener(self, #install, cb)

  let addActivateEventListener: (t, ActivateEvent.t => unit) => unit = (self, cb) =>
    addEventListener(self, #activate, cb)

  let addFetchEventListener: (t, FetchEvent.t => unit) => unit = (self, cb) =>
    addEventListener(self, #fetch, cb)