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How to fetch JSON data with ReScript?

Sat Dec 12 2020

ReScript version: bs-platform@8.4.2

Install dependencies

You will need to install two dependencies:

Preparing your data source

You may already have an API available, but if you are just experimenting you may like to use an API from public-apis. We’ll be using one of the public APIs that provides random pictures of cats.


This has a JSON response that looks like:

  file: "https://purr.objects-us-east-1.dream.io/i/w8V75.jpg"

Fetching the data

We can do a simple JSON fetch using the following:

let _ =
  ->Js.Promise.then_(Fetch.Response.json, _)
  ->Js.Promise.then_(json => Js.log(json)->Js.Promise.resolve, _)

Next, let’s convert this to a function that returns the cat data.

Declaring your API response type

In this case the response type is very simple:

type catData = {file: string};

Converting your API response

Let's declare a Decode module with a catData function that converts the generic Js.Json.t type into a proper catData type.

module Decode = {
  open Json.Decode
  let catData = (data: Js.Json.t) => {
    file: field("file", string, data),

Next we’ll create a fetchCat function to perform the fetch and convert the response.

let fetchCat = () =>
  ->Js.Promise.then_(Fetch.Response.json, _)
  ->Js.Promise.then_(obj => obj->Decode.catData->Js.Promise.resolve, _)

let _ = fetchCat()->Js.Promise.then_(data => data.file->Js.log->Js.Promise.resolve, _)

Making the fetch function more generic

Next let’s convert the fetch function into something more re-usable.

For this we can abstract out the url and the decoder.

let fetchJson = (url, decoder) =>
  ->Js.Promise.then_(Fetch.Response.json, _)
  ->Js.Promise.then_(obj => obj->decoder->Js.Promise.resolve, _)

let fetchCat = () => fetchJson("https://aws.random.cat/meow", Decode.catData)

let _ = fetchCat()->Js.Promise.then_(data => data.file->Js.log->Js.Promise.resolve, _)