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How to handle JavaScript objects with different shapes in ReScript?

Tue Dec 15 2020

Sometimes we need to handle JavaScript data that may have arbitrary fields.

Suppose we have the following data coming from JavaScript:

const dataA = {
  body: "My hello content",
  attributes: {
    id: 1,
    title: "Hello",
    date: new Date("2020-12-14 19:47:57")

const dataB = {
  body: "My world content",
  attributes: {
    title: "World",
    template: "main"

Notice that the attributes are different in each case.

How to type this data?

If we know in advance what the possible shapes may be, we can use polymorphic object types.

For example, we can type the data as follows:

@bs.val external dataA: {"body": string, "attributes": {..}} = "dataA"
@bs.val external dataB: {"body": string, "attributes": {..}} = "dataB"

Notice the types of dataA and dataB are the same with the attributes type being an "open" object.

Next, we can use inline types to dynamically assign the attribute types.

For "dataA":

let handleDataA = (data: {"body": string, "attributes": {..}}) => {
  let o: {
    "body": string,
    "attributes": {"id": option<string>, "title": option<string>, "date": option<Js.Date.t>},
  } = data

  let body: string = o["body"]
  let id: option<string> = o["attributes"]["id"]
  let title: option<string> = o["attributes"]["title"]
  let date: option<Js.Date.t> = o["attributes"]["date"]


And "dataB":

let handleDataB = (data: {"body": string, "attributes": {..}}) => {
  let o: {
    "body": string,
    "attributes": {"title": option<string>, "template": option<string>},
  } = data

  let body: string = o["body"]
  let title: option<string> = o["attributes"]["title"]
  let template: option<string> = o["attributes"]["template"]


Then test the types with:



This strategy is only useful when you know the data types. If the data types change, then ReScript won't know about it.


The context for this post was parsing Markdown files containing "front matter".

For the examples above, the Markdown file content was as follows.

File #1:

id: 1
title: Hello
date: 2020-12-15 06:16:22

My hello content

File #2:

title: World
template: main

My world content

Which was then parsed using a Markdown parser.