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What is the type of a node callback in ReScript?

Sun Dec 13 2020

ReScript version: bs-platform@8.4.2

Node callbacks are typically of the form:

function callback(error, items) {
  if (error) {
    // handle error
  } else {
    // handle items

Let's break this down into smaller parts to convert to ReScript.

The error argument

The error argument may be null, or an error object. JavaScript errors in ReScript are typed as Js.Exn.t, so the error argument becomes:

type callbackError = Js.nullable<Js.Exn.t>

The items argument

The items argument may be null, or provide a value. We can use a generic type here for the value.

type callbackResult<'a> = Js.nullable<'a>

The return value

This function returns undefined in JavaScript, so the return value in ReScript will be unit;

The callback function

Now let's define a callback function type.

type callbackError = Js.nullable<Js.Exn.t>
type callbackResult<'a> = Js.nullable<'a>
type callback<'a> = (. callbackError, callbackResult<'a>) => unit

Note that node callbacks must be uncurried, so we use the (. ) function argument notation.

If your callback only supplies an error, then you can use a similar type:

type callbackOnlyError = (. callbackError) => unit

Utility function #1

An example utility function for handling node callbacks that returns a Result.

let callbackWithResult = (
  f: Belt.Result.t<'a, Js.Exn.t> => unit,
  . error: callbackError,
  result: callbackResult<'a>,
) => {
  let errorOpt: option<Js.Exn.t> = Js.Nullable.toOption(error)
  let resultOpt: option<'a> = Js.Nullable.toOption(result)
  switch (errorOpt, resultOpt) {
  | (Some(error), _) => f(Belt.Result.Error(error))
  | (_, Some(result)) => f(Belt.Result.Ok(result))
  | (None, None) => raise(Invalid_argument("nodeCallback arguments invalid"))

Example usage:

@bs.module("fs") external readFile: (string, string, callback<string>) => unit = "readFile"

let onResult = (result: result<string, Js.Exn.t>) => {
  let message = switch result {
  | Ok(result) => "Success: " ++ result
  | Error(error) => "Error: " ++ Belt.Option.getWithDefault(Js.Exn.message(error), "Unknown")

readFile("hello.txt", "UTF-8", callbackWithResult(onResult))

Utility function #2

Another example utility function that uses onSuccess and onError callbacks

let callbackWithSuccessOrError = (
  onSuccess: 'a => unit,
  onError: Js.Exn.t => unit,
  . error: callbackError,
  result: callbackResult<'a>,
) => {
  let errorOpt: option<Js.Exn.t> = Js.Nullable.toOption(error)
  let resultOpt: option<'a> = Js.Nullable.toOption(result)
  switch (errorOpt, resultOpt) {
  | (Some(error), _) => onError(error)
  | (_, Some(result)) => onSuccess(result)
  | (None, None) => raise(Invalid_argument("nodeCallback arguments invalid"))

Example usage:

@bs.module("fs") external readFile: (string, string, callback<string>) => unit = "readFile"

let onSuccess = (result: string) => {
  let message = "Success: " ++ result

let onError = (error: Js.Exn.t) => {
  let message = "Error: " ++ Belt.Option.getWithDefault(Js.Exn.message(error), "Unknown")

readFile("hello.txt", "UTF-8", callbackWithSuccessOrError(onSuccess, onError))

Utility function #3

Last example converts the result to a promise.

let callbackWithPromise = (
  f: Js.Promise.t<'a> => unit,
  . error: callbackError,
  result: callbackResult<'a>,
) => {
  let errorOpt: option<Js.Exn.t> = Js.Nullable.toOption(error)
  let resultOpt: option<'a> = Js.Nullable.toOption(result)
  switch (errorOpt, resultOpt) {
  | (Some(error), _) => {
      let message = Belt.Option.getWithDefault(Js.Exn.message(error), "Unknown")
  | (_, Some(result)) => f(Js.Promise.resolve(result))
  | (None, None) => f(Js.Promise.reject(Failure("nodeCallback arguments invalid")))

Example usage:

@bs.module("fs") external readFile: (string, string, callback<string>) => unit = "readFile"

let handlePromise = (promise: Js.Promise.t<string>) => {
  open Js.Promise
  ->then_((result: string) => resolve("Success: " ++ result), _)
  ->catch((_error: Js.Promise.error) => resolve("Error: Unknown"), _)
  ->then_(message => {
  }, _)

readFile("hello.txt", "UTF-8", callbackWithPromise(handlePromise))


This content came from a post on the ReasonML forums. Copying here for reference:

I’d model the callback type as:

type nodeCallback('a) = (. Js.nullable(Js.Exn.t), Js.nullable('a)) => unit;

Few things to note:

In general to handle JavaScript exceptions in a safe way use the Js.Exn module, it provides useful functions to work with them. You can use Belt.Result.t('a, Js.Exn.t).


What is the proper type for a node callback

How to handle a node callback in ReasonML